Friday, February 16, 2018

Artist proposal 2

Thinking Skill: Analyzing Perspectives

My Idea :
Painting landscapes on shoes.
Analyzing how shoes see the world
Inspiration from different poems 

Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Here I have the first attempt and my revision that I started yesterday when I noticed the first version looked really bad. I am (clearly) not done painting yet. To help learn about painting faces, I watched a video of A guy painting Bob Ross.

Thursday, February 1, 2018

Planning for piece 1

For my first piece I've chosen to paint my friend, Cheyenne, into a 17th century painting. I've asked each person several questions like What is your passion?, What is your heritage?, And what is your favorite time period/is there a certain time period throughout history that you can identify with? For Cheyenne she said one of her passions is 17th century reenactment. This made it easier for me to choose the art style and find inspiration since she already had a time period that resonates with her. In this post I've also included pictures of some of the 17th century paintings I looked at to get inspiration. Also in this post I've included a rough sketch. I included the painting "Girl With A Pearl Earring" because it is 17th century, and I think the piece has a lot of personality. Which is what I'm going for. 

Project 6

Synthesizing idea: landscape using gouache Artist of influence - mostly myself I looked at pictures I've taken of city skylines and...