Thursday, January 25, 2018

Self portrait pre-test


  1. The eyes look amazing your really talented

  2. Nicely done. The eyes and the lips are my favorite features in this picture, they look great.

  3. I actually really like how you used darker colors to give it depth.

  4. I too really like the darker colors you used in your drawing to give it depth and makes it stand out I also like the stripes you used for the shirt

  5. Really like how bold and darkened the lines and details are. Not many poeple like doing heavy lines so good for you! I feel like you like being bold about youre work and feel pretty confident with your art style and the way you are as an artist.

  6. I like the detail in your drawing. You did a really good job at making it look like you!

  7. I really like your eyes and how large they are, this looks really great!


Project 6

Synthesizing idea: landscape using gouache Artist of influence - mostly myself I looked at pictures I've taken of city skylines and...