Monday, May 14, 2018

Project 5

Topic: Will be doing various studies and creating pieces using white charcoal
Thinking skill: Evaluating

artists of influence - &
Pinterest charcoal tag

reflection - I learned a lot doing these. This medium is interesting to work with and is very similar to the black charcoal as well. It was cool putting in just highlights to make an image instead of lights and dark or just dark. I recommend using this medium.


  1. I really like the owl, the fact that you only have one eyes drawen, looks really intresting, and it also gives it some depth.

  2. I like how you used a white pencil on the black paper! It really makes the animals stand out, and not get lost in the paper!

  3. I loved watching you do these and then now seeing the final product on your blog. It looks really good. You can also see your progression in the pictures and how you improved as you did them. Good work :)

  4. Its so good. I love art that uses negative space because its extremely creative and well thought out. The details on the owl are very careful and clean looking. The cat one I liked the most because it looks like a really cool comic with the way you used the moonlight to show the outline of the cat.


Project 6

Synthesizing idea: landscape using gouache Artist of influence - mostly myself I looked at pictures I've taken of city skylines and...